The Final Season of This Is Us Premieres Jan. 4

Grab the tissue box. NBC’s hit drama This Is Us comes to an end in 2022. This Is Us is a poignant, uber-realistic dramedy that has a knack to have you on the edge of your seat. After five seasons, the show has maintained a solid 8.6/10 on IMDb. The show boasts a talented and lovable cast.

Creator, Dan Fogelman hinted strongly to Hollywood Reporter in 2019 that three more seasons were to come after the initial three seasons. So this is it. This is them. It seems as though this was the plan all along and season six will give us the closure we seek for the character arcs and storyline.

Season six will premiere Jan. 4. From Milo Ventimiglia, to Mandy Moore, and Sterling Brown, surely this cast is in for a great career beyond This Is Us. The actors showed a lot of depth, character, and charm. Combine that with a down-to-earth score, revealing cinematography, and writing that truly understands the human experience. That is what This Is Us succeeded to offer audiences.


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