Ryan Kavanaugh Attempts to Deplatform h3Productions

h3h3productions, known as the incredibly successful podcast and Youtube Channel from Ethan and Hila Klein, is seemingly under legal attack from Triller CEO Ryan Kavanaugh. The timeline of events leading to Ryan Kavanaugh’s most recent legal action is a detailed one, but far from complex. It is cut and dry. Youtube fair use is possibly the most vital aspect of Youtube. It ensures Youtube creators can react to content and be curators, promoters, and supporters of other creators, as long as it is “transformative”. Kavanaugh began this legal ordeal over Ethan Klein reacting to a short clip of the Logan Paul - Ben Askren fight. This constitutes appropriate fair use, yet Kavanaugh claims his Triller event was pirated by h3productions, even though they reacted to it almost a week after the event.

Ryan Kavanaugh alleges many things that are outright false and, in fact, is targeted defamation towards Klein in an op-ed for C-Suite Quarterly, some kind of publication he “advises” for. We won’t break down every claim because none of them are accurate and that would be a huge waste of time. We will point you to the latest episode of h3 so that you can hear from Klein himself.

At the end of the day, Ryan Kavanaugh is doing what the rich do. They often use the legal system as their puppet regardless of being in the right or being just. It isn’t about that. It’s about defending their name and upholding their status as powerful. We allow them to have the money and power to do it after all.


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