Spider-Man: No Way Home Swinging into Premiere Weekend with a 100% Rotten Tomatoes Score
As Spider-Man: No Way Home arrives in theatres this weekend, it seems to have received rave reviews from critics at its showing this week. Rotten Tomatoes critics currently have given No Way Home a 99% to be exact out of 71 reviews. This is of course subject to change and it is very early but signs suggest Jon Watts pulled off what was said to be a brave direction. The No Way Home consensus critical score on Rotten Tomatoes is currently comparable to Citizen Kane (1941) and All About Eve (1950), indisputable film classics with two 99% “Tomatometer” scores.
From the looks of it, we are indeed bound for solid Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield cameos. We could even see Charlie Cox return as Matt Murdock, better known as Daredevil. It also seems as though we can simply expect good film conventions, an interesting plot, easter eggs and potentially some loose ends that lead us into the coming era of Tom Holland Spider-Man flicks. This isn’t spoiling anything, it can only be assumed from a positive reception. Anyone that willingly wants to see No Way Home is hoping for Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield cameos after all. Enjoy the multiverse moviegoers!